Computer Science and Engineering, today, play a major role in transforming every aspect of human life. The top computer science engineering colleges in Punjab, India at Gulzar Group of Institutions are envisioned to prepare competent, creative, and innovative experts who would be capable of meeting the challenges of disruptive technologies. The best computer science engineering colleges in Punjab, India department aspires to play an important role in the national vision of creating a futuristic knowledge hub through creativity and innovation. Our competent and highly qualified faculty with top CSE College in Punjab is committed to helping our students in improving and enhancing their analytical ability and creativity, and in understanding the professional issues related to ethics, professional conduct, economics, societal needs, and their role in the technologically globalized world.
Our well-trained, Industry savvy faculty strengthens industry-academia collaborations and prepares our students to contribute to multi-disciplinary projects and research for solving problems that hold the key to requirements of the future. Our students evolve into effective, versatile coders and software developers using the C, C++, Python, and Java programming languages; develop an important foundational understanding of algorithms, top computer architecture, and operating systems; and advance to study other cutting-edge technologies including the internet of things, machine learning courses, cyber security programs, cloud computing, best data science courses, mobile computing and many more.
The department has excellent infrastructure and facilities for students. The GGI is the well-known and top CSE College in Ludhiana. Periodically our department graduates the latest software and hardware to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of the industries so that our students come out with the latest knowledge in both software and hardware. The necessary licensed software and internet facilities are available for all students around the clock.
Our students are recruited by both industry and academia because the college provides the best computer science course in Khanna. Our alumni occupy top positions and provide mentor support to the students. Our training and top placement department is well-connected with the industry for quality internships. The department is buzzed with seminars, conferences, and workshops. We invite the best of the brains to join and admission to Computer Science Engineering program and savor the best of the academics and training programs.
Dr. Sukhminder Singh Grewal
Head of Department
Department Vision
To empower the students with advanced skill sets required by industry via Top-quality education and a research-oriented approach in a competitive environment and to promote their intellectual as well as ethical development in the best interest of our society and nation.
Department Mission
- To enable students to establish themselves as successful Top civil engineers or entrepreneurs by nurturing their potential and ensuring best academic practices.
- To enhance critical analysis skills among students to enable them to indulge in research and industry-specific projects.
- To develop the ability of students to be ethical, confident, and deal with professional issues effectively taking into account the societal and national implications.
- PEO1: To become successful in higher studies or as professionals in top civil engineering colleges in Punjab by applying the knowledge in mathematical, scientific, and engineering fundamentals
- PEO2: To up-skill the students in the field of Civil Engineering fields as planning, structural design, cost estimates and analyses, and execution of construction in support of top civil engineering projects.
- PEO3: To articulate our graduates by solving problems of interest through the application of technology and implementation to meet the needs of employers.
- PEO4: To capable our graduates to incorporate the impact of innovation and uphold the knowledge of ethics and moralities in their work.
- An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to information technology.
- An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
- An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
- An ability to indulge in research and methods to design new experiments, analyze and interpret data and apply results to improve processes.
- An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
- An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals and the best CSE College in Ludhiana organizations, and society.
- Analyze the local and global impact of computing solutions on individuals, organizations, and society and apply obtained knowledge for sustainability.
- An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, social, political, and economic issues and responsibilities.
- An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team.
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- An ability to apply the knowledge of engineering and management principles to effectively manage projects in diverse environments as a member/leader in the team.
- An understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self-directed continuing professional development
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
- PSO1: To empower the students with basic mathematical and scientific skills, and a firm understanding of the fundamentals and core areas of Civil Engineering.
- PSO2: To apply professional Btech engineering practices to analyze and plan construction models, estimate their costs, perform lab investigations and execute quality construction using modern tools.
Course Outcomes (COs) for top BTech CSE college in Punjab
Semester: III
BTCS301-18 Best Data Structures & Algorithm College in Ludhiana, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS301-18.1 Analyze the algorithms to determine the time and computation complexity and justify the correctness.
- BTCS301-18.2 Handle operations like searching, insertion, deletion, and traversing on various Data Structures and determine the time and computational complexity.
- BTCS301-18.3 Write an algorithm Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, and Heap Sort and compare their performance in terms of Space and Time complexity;
- BTCS301-18.4 Choose the appropriate Data Structure as applied to the specific problem definition.
- BTCS301-18.5 Demonstrate the reusability of Data Structures for implementing complex iterative problems.
BTCS302-18 Top Object-Oriented Programming College in Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCE302-18.1 Identify classes, objects, members of a class, and the relationships among them needed to solve a specific problem.
- BTCE302-18.2 Demonstrate the concept of constructors and destructors. And create new definitions for some of the operators.
- BTCE302-18.3 Create function templates and overload function templates.
- BTCE302-18.4 Understand and demonstrate the concept of data encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism with virtual functions.
- BTCE302-18.5 Demonstrate the concept of file operations, streams in C++, and various I/O manipulators.
BTCS303-18 Data Structures & Algorithm Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS303-18.1 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing basic linear data structure algorithms.
- BTCS303-18.2 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing Non-linear data structure algorithms.
- BTCS303-18.3 Use Linear and Non-Linear data structures to solve relevant problems.
- BTCS303-18.4 Choose the appropriate Data Structure as applied to specific problem definitions.
- BTCS303-18.5 Implement Various searching algorithms and become familiar with their design methods.
BTCS304-18 Object-Oriented Programming Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS304-18.1 Develop classes incorporating object-oriented techniques.
- BTCS304-18.2 Design and implement object-oriented concepts of inheritance and polymorphism.
- BTCS304-18.3 Illustrate and implement the STL class of containers and the need for exceptions to handle errors for object-oriented programs.
- BTCS304-18.4 Design and implement any real-world-based problem involving a GUI interface using object-oriented concepts.
BTAM304-18 Mathematics III
Students will be able to
- BTAM304-18.1 Understand the functions of several variables that are essential in most branches of engineering.
- BTAM304-18.2 Apply multiple integrals to deal with areas and volumes of various structures which are quite significant in the real world.
- BTAM304-18.3 Formulate and solve engineering problems related to convergence, infinite series, power series, and Taylor series.
- BTAM304-18.4 Create, select, and utilize the learned techniques of first-degree ordinary differential equations to model real-world problems.
- BTAM304-18.5 Be acquainted with the knowledge required to solve higher-order ordinary differential equations.
BTES301-18 Best Digital Electronics College in Khanna, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTES301-18.1 Demonstrate the operation of simple digital gates, identify the symbols, develop the truth table for those gates; combine simple gates into more complex circuits; change binary, hexadecimal, and octal numbers to their decimal equivalent and vice versa
- BTES301-18.2 Demonstrate the operation of a flip-flop. Design counters and clear the concept of shift registers.
- BTES301-18.3 Study different types of memories and their applications. Convert digital signal into analog and vice versa.
BTES302-18 Digital Electronics Lab
Students will be able to
- BTES301-18.1 Realize combinational circuits using logic gates.
- BTES301-18.2 Realize sequential circuits using logic gates.
- BTES301-18.3 Realize various types of Flip-flops and counters.
Semester IV
BTES401-18 Top Computer Organization & Architecture College in Punjab, India
Students will be able to
- BTES401-18.1 Understand the functional block diagram of the microprocessor. BTES401-18.2 Apply instruction set for Writing assembly language programs
- BTES401-18.3 Design a memory module and analyze its operation by interfacing it with the CPU.
- BTES401-18.4 Classify hardwired and microprogrammed control units. BTES401-18.5 Understand the concept of pipelining and its performance metrics.
BTCS402-18 Best Operating System College in Ludhiana, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS402-18.1 Explain basic operating systems concepts such as overall architecture, system calls, user mode, and kernel mode.
- BTCS402-18.2 Distinguish concepts related to processes, threads, process scheduling, race conditions, and critical sections.
- BTCS402-18.3 Analyze and apply CPU scheduling algorithms, deadlock detection, and prevention algorithms.
- BTCS402-18.4 Examine and categorize various memory management techniques like caching, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, and thrashing.
- BTCS402-18.5 Design and implement a file management system.
- BTCS402-18.6 Appraise high-level operating systems concepts such as file systems, disk-scheduling algorithms, and various file systems.
BTCS403-18 Best Design & Analysis of Algorithms College in Khanna, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS403-18.1 For given algorithms analyze the worst-case running times of algorithms based on asymptotic analysis and justify the correctness of algorithms.
- BTCS403-18.2 Explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for which design paradigm (greedy/ divide and conquer/backtrack etc.).
- BTCS403-18.3 Explain the model for a given engineering problem, using a tree or graph, and write the corresponding algorithm to solve the problems.
- BTCS403-18.4 Demonstrate the ways to analyze approximation/randomized algorithms (expected running time, probability of error).
- BTCS403-18.5 Examine the necessity for NP class-based problems and explain the use of heuristic techniques.
BTES402-18 Top Computer Organization & Architecture Lab courses in Khanna
Students will be able to
- BTES402-18.1 Assemble a personal computer.
- BTES402-18.2 Implement the various assembly language programs for basic arithmetic and logical operations.
- BTES402-18.3 Demonstrate the functioning of microprocessor/microcontroller- based systems with an I/O interface.
BTCS404-18 Operating System Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS404-18.1 Understand and implement basic services and functionalities of the operating system.
- BTCS404-18.2 Analyze and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority.
- BTCS404-18.3 Implement commands for files and directories.
- BTCS404-18.4 Understand and implement the concepts of shell programming.
- BTCS404-18.5 Simulate file allocation and organization techniques.
- BTCS404-18.6 Understand the concepts of deadlock in operating systems and implement them in multiprogramming systems.
BTCS405-18 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS405-18.1 Improve practical skills in designing and implementing complex problems with different techniques.
- BTCS405-18.2 Understand the comparative performance of strategies and hence choose appropriate, to apply to specific problem definition.
- BTCS405-18.3 Implement Various tree and graph-based algorithms and become familiar with their design methods.
- BTCS405-18.4 Design and Implement heuristics for real-world problems.
EVS101-18 Best Environmental Sciences College in Punjab
Students will be able to
- EVS101-18.1 Reflect critically on their roles and identities as citizens, consumers, and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world.
- EVS101-18.2 Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
- EVS101-18.3 Understand core concepts and methods from ecological and physical sciences and their application in environmental problem-solving.
- EVS101-18.4 Understand key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
- EVS101-18.5 Nurture natural curiosity and creativity for the immediate surroundings.
BTCS401-18 Top Discrete Mathematics College in Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS401-18.1 To be able to express logical sentences in terms of predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives.
- BTCS401-18.2 To derive the solution for a given problem using deductive logic and prove the solution based on logical inference.
- BTCS401-18.3 For a given mathematical problem, classify its algebraic structure.
- BTCS401-18.4 To evaluate Boolean functions and simplify expressions using the properties of Boolean algebra.
- BTCS401-18.5 To develop the given problem as graph networks and solve it with techniques of graph theory.
Semester V
BTES501-18 Best Enterprise Resource Planning College in Ludhiana
Students will be able to
- BTES401-18.1 To know the basics of ERP.
- BTES401-18.2 To understand the key implementation issues of ERP. BTES401-18.3 To know the business modules of ERP.
- BTES401-18.4 To be aware of some popular products in the area of ERP.
BTCS501-18 Database Management System
Students will be able to
- BTCS501-18.1 Write relational algebra expressions for a query and optimize the Developed expressions.
- BTCS501-18.2 Design the databases using ER method and normalization. BTCS501-18.3 Construct the SQL queries for Open source and Commercial
- BTCS501-18.4 Determine the transaction atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
- BTCS501-18.5 Implement the isolation property, including locking, time stamping based on concurrency control, and Serializability of scheduling.
BTCS502-18 Formal Language & Automata Theory
Students will be able to
- BTCS502-18.1 Write a formal notation for strings, languages, and machines. BTCS502-18.2 Design finite automata to accept a set of strings of a language.
- BTCS502-18.3 Design context-free grammar to generate strings of context-free language.
- BTCS502-18.4 Determine equivalence of languages accepted by Push Down Automata and languages generated by context-free grammars.
- BTCS502-18.5 Distinguish between computability and non-computability and Decidability and undecidability.
BTCS503-18 Software Engineering
Students will be able to
- BTCS503-18.1 Students should be able to identify the need for an engineering approach to software development and various processes of requirements analysis for software engineering problems.
- BTCS503-18.2 Analyse various software engineering models and apply methods for the design and development of software projects.
- BTCS503-18.3 Work with various techniques, metrics, and strategies for Testing software projects.
- BTCS503-18.4 Identify and apply the principles, processes, and main knowledge areas for Software Project Management.
- BTCS503-18.5 Proficiently apply standards, CASE tools, and techniques for engineering software projects.
BTCS504-18 Computer Networks
Students will be able to
- BTCS504-18.1 Explain the functions of the different layers of the OSI Protocol. BTCS504-18.2 Describe the function of each block of wide-area networks (WANs),
- local area networks (LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs).
- BTCS504-18.3 Develop the network programming for a given problem-related TCP/IP protocol.
- BTCS504-18.4 Configure DNS DDNS, TELNET, EMAIL, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), WWW, HTTP, SNMP, Bluetooth, and Firewalls using open-source available software and tools.
BTCS505-18 Database Management System Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS505-18.1 This practical will enable students to retrieve data from relational databases using SQL.
- BTCS505-18.2 Students will be able to implement the generation of tables using datatypes.
- BTCS505-18.3 Students will be able to design and execute the various data manipulation queries.
- BTCS505-18.4 Students will also learn to execute triggers, cursors, stored procedures, etc.
BTCS506-18 Software Engineering Lab
Students will be able to
BTC506-18.1 BTC506-18.2 BTC506-18.3 BTC506-18.4
BTCS507-18 Computer Network Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS507-18.1 Know about the various networking devices and tools and also understand the implementation of network topologies.
- BTCS507-18.2 Create various networking cables and know how to test these cables.
- BTCS507-18.3 Create and configure networks in packet trace tool using various network devices and topologies.
- BTCS507-18.4 Understand IP addressing and configure networks using the subnet.
- BTCS507-18.5 Configure routers using various router configuration commands.
BTCS510-18 Programming in Python
Students will be able to
- BTCS510-18.1 Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and functions.
- BTCS510-18.2 Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems
- BTCS510-18.3 Create, run, and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries and use Regular Expressions.
- BTCS510-18.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
- BTCS510-18.5 Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services, and Databases in Python.
BTCS513-18 Programming in Python Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS513-18.1 Examine Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python flow control and functions.
- BTCS513-18.2 Demonstrate proficiency in handling Strings and File Systems.
- BTCS513-18.3 Create, run, and manipulate Python Programs using core data structures like Lists, Dictionaries, and use Regular Expressions.
- BTCS513-18.4 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
- BTCS513-18.5 Implement exemplary applications related to Network Programming, Web Services, and Databases in Python.
Semester VI
BTCS601-18 Compiler Design
Students will be able to
- BTCS601-18.1 Build concepts on lexical analysis.
- BTCS601-18.2 Understand strategies of syntax analysis.
- BTCS601-18.3 Learn techniques of Intermediate code generation.
- BTCS601-18.4 Understand code design issues and design code generators.
- BTCS601-18.5 Design and develop optimized codes.
BTCS604-18 Compiler Design Lab
Students will be able to
- BTCS604-18.1 Build concepts on lexical analysis.
- BTCS604-18.2 Understand strategies of syntax analysis.
- BTCS604-18.3 Learn techniques of Intermediate code generation.
- BTCS604-18.4 Understand code design issues and design code generators.
- BTCS604-18.5 Design and develop optimized codes.
BTCS602-18 Artificial Intelligence
Students will be able to
- BTCS602-18.1 Build intelligent agents for search and games.
- BTCS602-18.2 Solve AI problems by learning various algorithms and strategies.
- BTCS602-18.3 Understand probability as a tool to handle uncertainty.
- BTCS602-18.4 Learning optimization and inference algorithms for model learning.
- BTCS602-18.5 Design and develop programs for a reinforcement agent to learn and act in a structured environment.
BTCS605-18 Artificial Intelligence
Students will be able to
- BTCS605-18.1 Build intelligent agents for search and games.
- BTCS605-18.2 Solve AI problems by learning various algorithms and strategies.
- BTCS605-18.3 Understand probability as a tool to handle uncertainty.
- BTCS605-18.4 Learn optimization and inference algorithms for model learning.
- BTCS605-18.5 Design and develop programs for a reinforcement agent to learn and act in a structured environment.
BTCS608-18 Internet of Things
Students will be able to
- BTCS608-18.1 Understand the Internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
- BTCS608-18.2 Learn interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules.
- BTCS608-18.3 Remotely monitor data and control devices.
- BTCS608-18.4 Develop real-life IoT-based projects.
BTCS609-18 Internet of Things Labs
Students will be able to
- BTCS609-18.1 Understand the Internet of Things and its hardware and software components.
- BTCS609-18.2 Interface I/O devices, sensors & communication modules.
- BTCS609-18.3 Remotely monitor data and control devices.
- BTCS609-18.4 Develop real-life IoT-based projects.
BTCS612-18 Cloud Computing
Students will be able to
- BTCS612-18.1 Understand the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.
- BTCS612-18.2 Understanding the importance of virtualization along with their technologies.
- BTCS612-18.3 Analyze various cloud computing service and deployment models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
- BTCS612-18.4 Students will learn the Implementation of various security strategies for different cloud platforms.
BTCS613-18 Top Cloud Computing College in India
Students will be able to
- BTCS613-18.1 Understand the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.
- BTCS613-18.2 Understanding the importance of virtualization along with their technologies.
- BTCS613-18.3 Analyze various cloud computing service and deployment models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
- BTCS613-18.4 Implementation of various security strategies for different cloud platforms.
BTCS618-18 Best Machine Learning College in Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS618-18.1 Analyse methods and theories in the field of machine learning.
- BTCS618-18.2 Analyse and extract features of complex datasets.
- BTCS618-18.3 Deploy techniques to comment on the Regression
- BTCS618-18.4 Comprehend and apply different classification and clustering techniques.
- BTCS618-18.5 Understand the concept of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm
BTCS619-18 Top Machine Learning Lab College in Ludhiana, Punjab
Students will be able to
- BTCS619-18.1 Analyse methods and theories in the field of machine learning.
- BTCS619-18.2 Analyse and extract features of complex datasets.
- BTCS619-18.3 Deploy techniques to comment for the Regression.
- BTCS619-18.4 Comprehend and apply different classification and clustering techniques.
- BTCS619-18.5 Understand the concept of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.
Course Outcomes (CO’s) for Diploma CSE
Semester I
2952 Applied Mathematics I Students will be able to
- 2952.1 Apply Complex Number and its representation for two-dimensional designing and related calculations. They will be able to apply this knowledge in many engineering problems like alternating current/voltage. The concept of rotation of a vector using iota will enable them to solve many engineering problems.
- 2952.2 Apply the basics concepts of Permutation and Combination to find out how many possible ways or arrangements are possible for a particular problem and its solutions. They will be able to count without actual counting. They will be able to apply this concept in understanding of Binomial Theorem and demonstrate better reasoning in different analytical situations.
- 2952.3 Calculate the approximate value of certain expressions and extract roots of certain expressions in many engineering problems by Application of Binomial Theorem.
- 2952.4 Resolve a fraction to further fractions by applying the basics concepts of Partial Fractions. They will be able to use and apply this knowledge in Integral Calculus.
- 2952.5 Solve engineering problems that are in matrix format by applying the basic understanding of Matrices and their properties, which are usually less computational. Further, this understanding will work as a backbone for the use and development of software in many engineering applications. Study of matrices and its properties will also provide an educational base for continuing study and provide solutions to many engineering problems by different methodologies.
- 2952.6 Design and solve related problems like constructions of roads, dams, bridges and calculation of height, distance, elevation etc. By understanding the basic concepts of Trigonometry and 2 D geometry, they will be able to apply the same in different situations in surveying, navigation, astronomy and many other engineering problems. They will also be able to draw graphs of trigonometric functions for many applications in the solution of engineering problems.
- 2952.7 Write the equations of a geometric shape used in many engineering problems such as straight line and circle. With the use of coordinate geometry, they will be able to explore and evaluate the idea of location, graph, linear relationships between two forms, and distance between two lines, which will be useful in solving engineering problems. They will be able to calculate the distance between a point and a line.
4852 English & Communication Skills I Students will be able to
- 4852.1 Pronounce properly.
- 4852.2 Overcome communication barriers.
- 4852.3 Write legibly and effectively.
- 4852.4 Listen in proper perspective.
- 4852.5 Read various genres adopting different reading techniques.
- 4852.6 Converse logically.
5752 Applied Physics I Students will be able to
- 5752.1 Identify physical quantities, parameters and select their units for use in engineering solutions and make measurements with accuracy by optimising different types of errors.
- 5752.2 Represent physical quantities as scalar and vectors and calculate area of an engineering design and determine net flow (flux) through a given closed surface, etc.
- 5752.3 Solve difficult problems (walking of man, horse and cart problem, flying of bird/ aircraft, etc.
- 5752.4 Analyse and design banking of roads/railway tracks and apply conservation of momentum principle to Explain rocket propulsion, recoil of gun etc.
- 5752.5 Define work, energy and power and their units. Drive work, power and energy relationship and solve problems about work and power.
- 5752.6 Classify sources of energy as renewable or non-renewable. State the principle of conservation of energy. Give advantages and disadvantages of each energy source and Identify forms of energy conversions. Compare and contrast the physical properties associated with linear motion and rotational motion and give examples of conservation of angular momentum. Describe the surface tension phenomenon and its units, cause of surface tension and effects of temperature on surface tension and Solve statics problems that involve surface tension related forces.
- 5752.7 Describe the viscosity of liquids, coefficient of viscosity and the various factors affecting its value. calculate the viscosity of an unknown fluid using Stokes' Law and the terminal velocity.
- 5752.8 Define stress and strain. State Hooke’s law and conditions under which it is valid. Given an engineering stress–strain diagram, determine (a) the modulus of elasticity, (b) the yield strength (0.002 strain offset), and (c) the tensile strength, and (d) estimate the percent elongation.
- 5752.9 Express physical work in term of heat and temperature; Measure temperature in various processes on different scales (Celsius, Kelvin Fahrenheit etc.)
- 5752.10 Distinguish between conduction, convection and radiation, identify the different methods for reducing heat losses.
- 5752.11 Define the terms: specific heat capacity, specific latent heat, analyse the result of heat transfer between bodies at different temperatures and states measure the specific heat capacity of a solid or a liquid.
6052 Applied Chemistry I Students will be able to
- 6052.1 Classify various substances based on state of aggregation.
- 6052.2 Ascertain qualitatively few physical properties of substances such as density melting and boiling points etc qualitatively.
- 6052.3 Calculate qualitative and quantitative of simple chemical substances.
- 6052.4 Explain and substantiate the laws of chemical combinations.
- 6052.5 Substantiate the laws and principles on which structure of atom is established.
- 6052.6 Explain and predict properties of substances.
- 6052.7 Explain various engineering properties of substances.
- 6052.8 Prepare solutions of required concentrations.
- 6052.9 Prepare pH and buffer solutions and understand their significance industrial process such as electrolysis, electrochemical machining ofmaterials etc.
- 6052.10 Explain sources of water and various characteristics of water (quantitatively).
- 6052.11 Explain cause and factors which can adversely affecting natural water quality and remedial measures available for water purification to achieve water quality standards required for domestic, agricultural and industrial applications.
- 6052.12 Explain the reasons for scarcity of natural water (locally and globally) on mother Earth.
- 6052.13 Think critically, develop and adapt water conservation techniques.
- 6052.14 Explain corrosion of metal and their preventive measures.
- 6052.15 Classify the substance based on the electric behavior and apply these laws/principles efficiently in industrial electrochemical processes.
- 6052.16 Distinguish and construct electrochemical cells and electrolytic cells.
- 6052.17 Explain the principle and mechanisms of latest electrochemical machining technology.
- 6052.18 Explain various biochemical process, pollutions and their control measures polymers, composites etc.
6462 Computer Fundamental & Info. Tech. | Students will be able to
- 6462.1 Describe various components of the computer system.
- 6462.2 Draw the block diagram of the computer system showing various units.
- 6462.3 Outline various applications of IT.
- 6462.4 Differentiate between assembly and high-level language.
- 6462.5 List the features of the MS Word, MS-Excel & MS-PowerPoint.
- 6462.6Demonstrate the use of PowerPoint for seminar presentation.
- 6462.7 Identify various web browsers.
- 6462.8 Use the internet and create mail ID, send and receive Email.
- 6462.9 Explain the advantages of E-commerce.
7152 Engineering Drawing I Students will be able to
- 7152.1 Identify and use of different grades of pencils and other drafting
- 7152.2 instruments which are used in the engineering field. Draw free hand sketches of various kinds of objects.
- 7152.3 Utilize various types of lines used in engineering drawing.
- 7152.4 Read and apply different dimensioning methods on drawing of objects.
- 7152.5 Use different types of scales and their utilization in reading and reproducing
- 7152.6 drawings of objects and maps. Draw 2 - dimensional view of different objects viewed from different
- 7152.7 angles (orthographic views). Draw and interpret complete inner hidden details of an object which are
- 7152.8 otherwise not visible in normal view. Generate isometric (3D) drawing from different 2D (orthographic)
- 7152.9 views/sketches. Identify conventions for different engineering materials, symbols, sections
- 7152.10 of regular objects and general fittings used in Civil and Electrical household appliances.
- Use basic commands of AutoCAD.
5852 English & Communication Skill I Lab Students will be able to
- 5852.1 Pronounce properly.
- 5852.2 Overcome communication barriers.
- 5852.3 Write legibly and effectively.
- 5852.4 Listen in proper prospective.
- 5852.5 Read various genres adopting different reading techniques.
- 5852.6 Converse logically.
6752 Applied Physics I Lab Students will be able to
- 6752.1 Identify physical quantities, parameters and select their units for use in engineering solutions and make measurements with accuracy by optimising different types of errors.
- 6752.2 Represent physical quantities as scalar and vectors and calculate area of an engineering design and determine net flow (flux) through a given closed surface, etc.
- 6752.3 Solve difficult problems (walking of man, horse and cart problem, flying of bird/ aircraft, etc.
- 6752.4 Analyse and design banking of roads/railway tracks and apply conservation of momentum principle to Explain rocket propulsion, recoil of gun etc.
- 6752.5 Define work, energy and power and their units. Drive work, power and energy relationship and solve problems about work and power.
- 6752.6 Classify sources of energy as renewable or non-renewable. State the principle of conservation of energy. Give advantages and disadvantages of each energy source and Identify forms of energy conversions. Compare and contrast the physical properties associated with linear motion and rotational motion and give examples of conservation of angular momentum. Describe the surface tension phenomenon and its units, cause of surface tension and effects of temperature on surface tension and Solve statics problems that involve surface tension related forces.
- 6752.7 Describe the viscosity of liquids, coefficient of viscosity and the various factors affecting its value. calculate the viscosity of an unknown fluid using Stokes' Law and the terminal velocity.
- 6752.8 Define stress and strain. State Hooke’s law and conditions under which it is valid. Given an engineering stress-strain diagram, determine (a) the modulus of elasticity, (b) the yield strength (0.002 strain offset), and (c) the tensile strength, and (d) estimate the percent elongation.
- 6752.9 Express physical work in terms of heat and temperature; Measure temperature in various processes on different scales (Celsius, Kelvin Fahrenheit, etc.)
- 6752.10 Distinguish between conduction, convection and radiation, identify the different methods for reducing heat losses.
6752.11 Define the terms: specific heat capacity, specific latent heat, analyse the result of heat transfer between bodies at different temperatures and states measure the specific heat capacity of a solid or a liquid.
7052 Applied Chemistry I Lab Students will be able to
- 7052.1 Classify various substances based on state of aggregation.
- 7052.2 Ascertain qualitatively few physical properties of substances such as density melting and boiling points etc qualitatively.
- 7052.3 Calculate qualitative and quantitative of simple chemical substances.
- 7052.4 Explain and substantiate the laws of chemical combinations.
- 7052.5 Substantiate the laws and principles on which structure of atomis established.
- 7052.6 Explain and predict properties of substances.
- 7052.7 Explain various engineering properties of substances.
- 7052.8 Prepare solutions of required concentrations.
- 7052.9 Prepare pH and buffer solutions and understand their significance in industrial process such as electrolysis, electrochemical machining of materials etc.
- 7052.10 Explain sources of water and various characteristics of water (quantitatively).
- 7052.11 Explain cause and factors which can adversely affecting natural waterquality and remedial measures available for water purification to achievewater quality standards required for domestic, agricultural and industrial applications.
- 7052.12 Explain the reasons for scarcity of natural water (locally and globally) on mother Earth.
- 7052.13 Think critically, develop and adapt water conservation techniques.
- 7052.14 Explain corrosion of metal and their preventive measures.
- 7052.15 Classify the substance based on the electric behavior and apply these laws/principles efficiently in industrial electrochemical processes.
- 7052.16 Distinguish and construct electrochemical cells and electrolytic cells.
- 7052.17 Explain the principle and mechanisms of latest electrochemical machining technology.
- 7052.18 Explain various biochemical process, pollution and their control measures polymers, composites etc
8752 General Workshop Practice I Students will be able to
- 8752.1 Identify tools and equipment used and their respective functions.
- 8752.2 Identify different types of materials and their basic properties.
- 8752.3 Use and take measurements with the help of basic measuring tools/equipment.
- 8752.4 Select proper tools for a particular operation.
- 8752.5 Select materials, tools, and sequence of operations to make a job as per given specification/drawing.
- 8752.6 Prepare independently simple jobs and inspect the same.
- 8752.7 Follow safety procedures and measures.
- 8752.8 Use safety equipment.
9462 Computer Fundamental & Info. Tech. Lab | Students will be able to
- 9462.1 Describe various components of the computer system.
- 9462.2 Draw the block diagram of the computer system showing various units.
- 9462.3 Outline various applications of IT.
- 9462.4 Differentiate between assembly and high-level language.
- 9462.5 List the features of the MS Word, MS-Excel & MS-PowerPoint.
- 9462.6 Demonstrate the use of PowerPoint for seminar presentation.
- 9462.7 Identify various web browsers.
- 9462.8 Use the internet and create mail ID, send and receive Email.
- 9462.9 Explain the advantages of E-commerce.
Semester II
0453 English & Communication Skill II Students will be able to
- 0453.1 Make proper oral presentations.
- 0453.2 Speak confidently.
- 0453.3 Debate properly
- 0453.4 Write accurate official/business letters
- 0453.5 Respond to telephone calls effectively
- 0453.6 Overcome communication barriers
0553 Applied Mathematics | Students will be able to
- 0553.1 Calculate the effect of one variable with respect to another variable and write the equation of tangent and normal to a curve at a point by understanding and application of basic concepts of derivatives. After understanding the concept of derivatives, they will be able to calculate the maximum and minimum values of a function.
- 0553.2 Calculate the area of a curve bounded by axes, by understanding the applications of basic concepts of integration. They will also be able to find the velocity from acceleration and displacement from velocity.
- 0553.3 Evaluate complex integrals in a simpler way by applying definite integral. 0553.4 Calculate the approximate area under a curve by applying Numerical
- Integration by using Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rules.
- 0553.5 Optimize the utilization of limited resources by applying basic concepts of Linear Programming.
- 0553.6 Solve Engineering and Industrial Problems by understanding and applying the solution of differential equations.
- 0553.7 Apply differential Equations and Numerical methods for higher learning of Mathematics and Engineering Applications.
2753 Applied Physics II Students will be able to
- 2753.1 Define wave motion its types (Transverse and Longitudinal), Periodic and Simple Harmonic Motion, solve simple problems.
- 2753.2 Define the terms: frequency, amplitude, wavelength, velocity of a wave. They will be able to explain diffraction, interference, polarization.
- 2753.3 Explain various Engineering, Medical and Industrial applications of Ultrasonics.2753.4 Apply acoustics principles to various types of buildings to get the best sound effect.
- 2753.5 State the laws of reflection and refraction of light, calculate the location of the final image for a concave mirror single thin converging lens, design and assemble a microscope using 2 lenses.
- 2753.6 Measure the refractive index of a liquid or a solid. They will be able to explain total internal reflection as applied to optical fibers.
- 2753.7 Define capacitance and its unit. They will be able to explain the function of capacitors in simple circuits, and solve simple problems using C=Q/V.
- 2753.8 Explain the role of free electrons in insulators, conductors and semiconductors, qualitatively the terms: potential, potential difference, electromotive force.
- 2753.9 Explain electric current as flow of charge, the concept of resistance, measure correctly, using a multimeter, the following: electric current, potential difference, resistance.
- 2753.10 List the effects of an electric current and their common applications, State and apply Ohm's law, calculate the equivalent resistance of a variety of resistor combinations, determine the energy consumed by an appliance, and distinguish between AC and DC electricity.
- 2753.11 State the laws of electromagnetic induction, describe the effect on a current- carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field.
- 2753.12 Explain how the following operate: moving coil galvanometer, simple DC motor.
- 2753.13 Apply the knowledge of diodes in rectifiers, adapters IC’s and various electronic circuits. Use the knowledge of semiconductors in various technical gadgets like mobile phones, computers, LED, LCD, solar lights etc.
- 2753.14 Apply the concept of light amplification in designing of various LASER based instruments and optical sources.
- 2753.15 Apply the use of optical fibre in the Medical field and optical fibre Communication.
0190 Basic Electronics Students will be able to
- 0190.1 Identify and able to take readings on various electronics equipment (multimeter, CRO, signal generator, LCR meter).
- 0190.2 Plot the VI characteristics of pn junction diode and Zener diode.
- 0190.3 Measure voltage gain, input and output impedance in a single state CE amplifier circuit.
- 0190.4 Fabricate half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier and observe waveforms of each.
- 0190.5 Plot the waveforms of the rectifier circuit with different filters.
- 0190.6 Plot input and output characteristics of transistor in CB and CE mode.
- 0190.7 Plot the characteristics of FET based amplifiers.
- 0190.8 Measure voltage gain, input and output impedance in a single state CE amplifier circuit.
2853 Environmental Studies Students will be able to
- 2853.1 Comprehend the importance of ecosystems and sustainability.
- 2853.2 Demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues.
- 2853.3 Identify different types of environmental pollution and control measures.
- 2853.4 Take corrective measures for the abatement of pollution.
- 2853.5 Explain environmental legislation acts.
- 2853.6 Define energy management, energy conservation and energy efficiency.
- 2853.7 Demonstrate positive attitude towards judicious use of energy and environmental protection.
- 2853.8 Practice energy efficient techniques in day-to-day life and industrial processes.
- 2853.9 Adopt cleaner productive technologies.
- 2853.10 Identify the role of non-conventional energy resources in environmental protection.
- 2853.11 Analyze the impact of human activities on the environment.
6453 English & Communication Skill II Lab | Students will be able to
- 0453.1 Make proper oral presentations.
- 0453.2 Speak confidently.
- 0453.3 Debate properly
- 0453.4 Write accurate official/business letters
- 0453.5 Respond to telephone calls effectively
- 0453.6 Overcome communication barriers
5753 Applied Physics II Lab | Students will be able to
- 2753.1 Define wave motion, its types (Transverse and Longitudinal), Periodic and Simple Harmonic Motion, solve simple problems.
- 2753.2 Define the terms: frequency, amplitude, wavelength, velocity of a wave. They will be able to explain diffraction, interference, polarization.
- 2753.3 Explain various Engineering, Medical and Industrial applications of Ultrasonics.
- 2753.4 Apply acoustics principles to various types of buildings to get the best sound effect.
- 2753.5 State the laws of reflection and refraction of light, calculate the location of the final image for a concave mirror single thin converging lens, design and assemble a microscope using 2 lenses.
- 2753.6 Measure the refractive index of a liquid or a solid. They will be able to explain total internal reflection as applied to optical fibers.
- 2753.7 Define capacitance and its unit. They will be able to explain the function of capacitors in simple circuits, and solve simple problems using C=Q/V.
- 2753.8 Explain the role of free electrons in insulators, conductors and semiconductors, qualitatively the terms: potential, potential difference, electromotive force.
- 2753.9 Explain electric current as flow of charge, the concept of resistance, measure correctly, using a multimeter, the following: electric current, potential difference, resistance.
- 2753.10 List the effects of an electric current and their common applications, State and apply Ohm's law, calculate the equivalent resistance of a variety of resistor combinations, determine the energy consumed by an appliance, and distinguish between AC and DC electricity.
- 2753.11 State the laws of electromagnetic induction, describe the effect on a current- carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field.
- 2753.12 Explain how the following operate: moving coil galvanometer, simple DC motor.
- 2753.13 Apply the knowledge of diodes in rectifiers, adapters IC’s and various electronic circuits. Use the knowledge of semiconductors in various technical gadgets like mobile phones, computers, LED, LCD, solar lights etc.
- 2753.14 Apply the concept of light amplification in designing of various LASER based instruments and optical sources.
- 2753.15 Apply the use of optical fibre in the Medical field and optical fibre Communication.
2190 Basic Electronics Lab Students will be able to
- 0190.1 Identify and able to take readings on various electronics equipment (multimeter, CRO, signal generator, LCR meter).
- 0190.2 Plot the VI characteristics of pn junction diode and Zener diode.
- 0190.3 Measure voltage gain, input and output impedance in a single state CE amplifier circuit.
- 0190.4 Fabricate half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier and observe waveforms of each.
- 0190.5 Plot the waveforms of the rectifier circuit with different filters.
- 0190.6 Plot input and output characteristics of transistor in CB and CE mode.
- 0190.7 Plot the characteristics of FET based amplifiers.
- 0190.8 Measure voltage gain, input and output impedance in a single state CE amplifier circuit.
6062 Computer Workshop | Students will be able to
- 6062.1 Identify various computer components.
- 6062.2 Define various parts of the computer
- 6062.3 Describe and differentiate various Motherboard Processors, RAM, Secondary storage devices.
- 6062.4 Install various components of the computer.
- 6062.5 Maintain and repair (troubleshoot) various computer components.
- 6062.6 Assemble and disassemble computer systems.
- 6062.7 Install operating system i.e. MS-Window and Linux.
- 6062.8 Diagnose the various faults in computer system i.e. SMPS, HDD, RAM.
- 6062.9 Identify various cables used for connection.
- 6062.10 Outline and underline the dimensions (space requirements) for setting a computer centre.
- 6062.11 Set-up a low cost computer centre.
- 6062.12 Install and configure various application software.
- 6062.13 Define and identify various viruses and clean the system using various antivirus software.
6962 Desktop Publishing (DTP) Fundamentals | Students will be able to
- 6962.1 Explain the concepts related to desktop publishing software and publishing markets.
- 6962.2 Design visiting cards and advertisement pamphlets.
- 6962.3 Design wedding cards, flex and printed designer boxes.
- 6962.4 Design multi-page documents and draw pictures for the books.
- 6962.5 Add special effects in drawing.
- 6962.6 Generate special effects to various types of text in various documents.
- 6962.7 Add various symbols to a design and create different patterns.
Semester III
0195 Digital Electronics Students will be able to
- 0195.1 Verify and interpret truth tables for all logic gates.
- 0195.2 Realize all logic functions with NAND and NOR gates.
- 0195.3 Design half adder and full adder circuit.
- 0195.4 Demonstrate and design 4-bit adder, 2's complement subtractor.
- 0195.5 Verify and interpret truth tables for all flip flops.
- 0195.6 Verify and interpret truth tables of multiplexer, de-multiplexer, encoder and decoder ICs.
- 0195.7 Design a four bit ring counter and verify its operation.
- 0195.8 Design 4-bit SISO, PISO, SIPO, PIPO shift registers.
0295 Computer Programming Using C | Students will be able to
- 0295.1 Identify the problem and formulate an algorithm for it.
- 0295.2 Identify various control structures and implement them.
- 0295.3 Identify various types of variables.
- 0295.4 Use pointers in an array and structure.
- 0295.5 Use structures and unions for handling data.
- 0295.6 Explain the concepts of the C programming language.
- 0295.7 Explain and implement the language constructs concepts.
- 0295.8 Install C software on the system and debug the programme.
- 0295.9 Explain and execute member functions of C in the programme.
- 0295.10 Describe and implement array concepts in C programmes.
- 0295.11 Describe and execute pointers.
0095 Software Engineering | Students will be able to
- 0095.1 Analyze business problems and develop a requirements/specification document.
- 0095.2 Describe the various phases of the system development life cycle.
- 0095.3 Identify the expected benefits and scope of the projects.
- 0095.4 Explain at least three ways in which information system support business requirement.
- 0095.5 Prepare and develop data flow diagrams and decision tables.
- 0095.6 Perform a feasibility study of the system.
- 0095.7 Write detailed design specifications for programmes and databases.
- 0095.8 Select methods for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a system.
- 0095.9 Apply different testing techniques on simple programmes.
0395 Operating System Students will be able to
- 0395.1 Identify memory management techniques.
- 0395.2 Differentiate scheduler algorithm.
- 0395.3 Setup of Linux labs.
- 0395.4 Use Linux for running various programming languages.
- 0395.5 Set up open-source labs.
- 0395.6 Describe and identify various file systems.
- 0395.7 Assist in handling other open sources.
0595 Multimedia and Animation Technology Students will be able to
- 0595.1 Define and describe multimedia functions.
- 0595.2 Identify and explain the devices, hardware and software system.
- 0595.3 Operate and design in graphics.
- 0595.4 Use photo-shop software for drawing and editing photos.
- 0595.5 Identify the tools to create animations.
- 0595.6 Reduce the size of various file formats i.e. audio, video and text.
0695 Internet and Web Technologies | Students will be able to
- 0695.1 Define the internet and its operation.
- 0695.2 Outline application of the internet.
- 0695.3 Use application of video conferencing.
- 0695.4 Use application of E-communication.
- 0695.5 Describe the application of E-communication and benefit to society.
- 0695.6 Define and differentiate between various web browsers.
- 0695.7 Develop a static web page/web portal.
- 0695.8 Validate input data.
1195 Digital Electronics Lab | Students will be able to
- 1195.1 Verify and interpret truth tables for all logic gates.
- 1195.2 Realize all logic functions with NAND and NOR gates.
- 1195.3 Design half adder and full adder circuit.
- 1195.4 Demonstrate and design 4-bit adder, 2's complement subtractor.
- 1195.5 Verify and interpret truth tables for all flip flops.
- 1195.6 Verify and interpret truth tables of multiplexer, de-multiplexer, encoder and decoder ICs.
- 1195.7 Design a four bit ring counter and verify its operation.
- 1195.8 Design 4-bit SISO, PISO, SIPO, PIPO shift registers.
1295 Computer Programming Using C Lab Students will be able to
- 1295.1 Identify the problem and formulate an algorithm for it.
- 1295.2 Identify various control structures and implement them.
- 1295.3 Identify various types of variables.
- 1295.4 Use pointers in an array and structure.
- 1295.5 Use structures and unions for handling data.
- 1295.6 Explain the concepts of the C programming language.
- 1295.7 Explain and implement the language constructs concepts.
- 1295.8 Install C software on the system and debug the programme.
- 1295.9 Explain and execute member functions of C in the programme.
- 1295.10 Describe and implement array concepts in C programmes.
- 1295.11 Describe and execute pointers.
1395 Operating System Lab | Students will be able to
- 1395.1 Identify memory management techniques.
- 1395.2 Differentiate scheduler algorithm.
- 1395.3 Setup of Linux labs.
- 1395.4 Use Linux for running various programming languages.
- 1395.5 Set up open-source labs.
- 1395.6 Describe and identify various file systems.
- 1395.7 Assist in handling other open sources.
1595 Multimedia and Animation Technology Lab | Students will be able to
- 1595.1 Define and describe multimedia functions.
- 1595.2 Identify and explain the devices, hardware and software system.
- 1595.3 Operate and design in graphics.
- 1595.4 Use photo-shop software for drawing and editing photos.
- 1595.5 Identify the tools to create animations.
- 1595.6 Reduce the size of various file formats i.e. audio, video and text.
1695 Internet and Web Technologies Lab | Students will be able to
- 1695.1 Define the internet and its operation.
- 1695.2 Outline application of the internet.
- 1695.3 Use application of video conferencing.
- 1695.4 Use application of E-communication.
- 1695.5 Describe the application of E-communication and benefit to society.
- 1695.6 Define and differentiate between various web browsers.
- 1695.7 Develop a static webpage/web portal.
- 1695.8 Validate input data.
Semester IV
9585 Generic Skills and Entrepreneurship Development | Students will be able to
- 9585.1 Explain the importance of generic skills.
- 9585.2 Demonstrate self development.
- 9585.3 Manage himself/herself physically, intellectually and psychologically.
- 9585.4 Work effectively as a team member.
- 9585.5 Manage tasks effectively.
- 9585.6 Apply knowledge to solve problems.
- 9585.7 Develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
- 9585.8 Identify entrepreneurial support system for new ventures and small businesses.
- 9585.9 Recognize a business opportunity.
- 9585.10 Prepare a project report.
- 9585.11 Demonstrate how to launch an individual's entrepreneurial career.
2095 Data Structures | Students will be able to
- 2095.1 Identify the problem and formulate an algorithm for it.
- 2095.2 Identify the various designing techniques.
- 2095.3 Store data, process data in linked list.
- 2095.4 Sort the data in ascending or descending order.
- 2095.5 Apply various data structure techniques in an array.
- 2095.6 Implement trees and various traversing techniques.
- 2095.7 Implement various sorting algorithms and to compare them for checking efficiency.
- 2095.8 Identify proper data handling techniques for handling data.
2295 Object Oriented Programming Using JAVA | Students will be able to
- 2295.1 Explain the concepts of OOPS.
- 2295.2 Explain and execute the language construct concepts.
- 2295.3 Debug and compile the program written in Java.
- 2295.4 Explain and implement a class program.
- 2295.5 Explain and execute member functions.
- 2295.6 Describe and implement inheritance concepts.
- 2295.7 Explain and implement Polymorphism using Java program
- 2295.8 Install Java IDE, Compiler, Java virtual machines.
- 2295.9 Explain and implement the abstract class and interface.
- 2295.10 Implement the exception handling in live projects.
List of Lab Hardware/Software
Operating System Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | Dual Core 3.0 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, HDD 500 GB with 18.5'' TFT | Ubuntu , Window 10 and c++ |
Design & Analysis of Algorithm Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | HP Elite 705 G1, AMD A4-6300B APU, 3.7Ghz, 4 GB Ram, HDD 500 GB with 18.5'' TFT | Turbo C |
Database Management System Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | Dual Core 3.0 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, HDD 500 GB with 18.5'' TFT | Oracle 11g, SQL Server, My SQL |
Software Engineering Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | i3 2nd Gen, 4 GB Ram, SSD 128 GB, with 15'' TFT | Visual Paradigm, Rational Software Architect. Visio, Argo UML, Rational Application Developer |
Computer Networks Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | Dual Core 2.5 Ghz, 1 GB Ram, HDD 160 GB with 18.5'' TFT | Cisco packet tracer |
Compiler Design Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | Dual Core 2.5 Ghz, 1 GB Ram, HDD 160 GB with 18.5'' TFT | Turbo C |
Programming in Python Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | PDC, 2 GB Ram, HDD 500 GB with 18.5'' TFT | ANACONDA |
Artificial Intelligence Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | Dual Core 3.0 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, HDD 500 GB with 18.5'' TFT | Microsoft Visual Studio |
Cloud Computing Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | i3 2nd Gen, 4 GB Ram, SSD 128 GB, with 15'' TFT | Matlab and Cloudsim |
Machine Learning Lab |
Sr no. | Name of Hardware available | Name of Software available |
1 | i3 2nd Gen, 4 GB Ram, SSD 128 GB, with 15'' TFT | Python , R, Matlab |