“Ragging is totally banned in the institution, and anyone found guilty of ragging and abetting is liable to be punished appropriately.” The Supreme Court of India has laid down very strict rules for implementation of Anti Ragging measures to avoid occurrence of undesirable activities such as ragging inside or outside the campus. Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging constitutes gross indiscipline.
Ragging ordinarily means an act conducted or practiced by which power or status of senior students is brought to bear upon students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior by other students and includes individual or collective acts / practices which involve:
Strict norms have been laid out to ensure smooth induction of new students into the campus as well as to ensure that no undesirable activity takes place under any circumstance. All students will be made to sign anti- ragging declaration. Exemplary punishments will be accorded to the defaulting students which may include rustication from the Institute and handing over the defaulter to the police for dealing with criminal offense of ragging.
Mess Timings:
The mess timing are usually determined/fixed by the hostel warden.
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Program Fee | Amount |
Registration Fee (One Time) | ₹15000 |
Semester Fee | ₹25000 |
Program Fee | Amount |
Registration Fee (One Time) | ₹15000 |
Semester Fee | ₹25000 |
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